Seeley's Bay Pastoral Charge
Upcoming Events

Please join with us for any or all of the special times in our Church Life - meet and greet your neighbours and share in our Church's life giving spirit!


Seniors' Soup & Sandwich

Again this year, there will be Seniors' Soup and Sandwich luncheons at 12:00 noon on the last Friday of the three winter months (January 31, Februay 28 and March 28) in the C.E. Room of Seeley's Bay United Church.

Everyone is welcome.

It's free and fun!

If you would like to help with the soup, sandwiches or sweets, please contact Mary at 613-387-3707 or

Lasagna & Trivia Night
February 22nd - 5:30pm

February 22nd will be Spaghetti & Trivia Night at Seeley’s Bay United Church. Lasagna will be served at 5:30pm with trivia to follow at 7:00pm. Cost is $15 at the door. We are looking for teams of 6 or less. Contact Reverend Don by phone or email for more information if needed.