Seeley's Bay Pastoral Charge
of the
United Church of Canada

Serving Lyndhurst, Olivet and Seeley's Bay

Olivet Church
3258 County Road 32, Seeley's Bay

Seeley's Bay
129 Hellen Street, Seeley's Bay

Worship Schedule

Seeley's Bay United Church Savoury Pie Sale!

* November 23 - Sorry, we are sold out of chicken pot pies!

* November 24 - Sorry, we are completely sold out.

Thank you for your support!!

Orders are now being taken for the annual Seeley's Bay United Church Savoury Pie Sale!!
Large deep dish Chicken Pot Pie $25.
Large Tourtiere $25.
Small Chicken Pot Pie $10 ea or 3 for $25.
Small Tourtiere $10. ea or 3 for $25.
To order, call or email Barb 613.387.3480 (donbay72@bell.net) or Chris 613.387.4048 (ac.munro@outlook.com)
Quantities are limited and will take orders until we run out.
Delivery or pickup will be the week of Dec. 9th to the 13th
Payment can be cheque, cash or email "sbunitedchurch@gmail.com"

Centennial Celebration Community Quilt

If you would like to have your name and/or those of your family included on the Centennial Celebration Community Quilt (at the cost of $10 a name) please talk to Cindy Tye (613-561-8105, tye_dc_1979@hotmail.com) or Rev. Don (387-8361, dgstiles@hotmail.com). Payment can be made by etransfer to sbpastoralcharge@gmail.com, with your mailing address and note either Seeley’s Bay or Olivet Church.

Annual Auction Fund Raiser - Saturday November 16th

Our annual auction will be held on Saturday, November 16th.   Please start telling your friends and neighbours and rounding up those donations.  We will be holding it at Seeley's Bay United Church once more. Beginning at 5:30 pm with viewing of items to be auctioned and wine and cheese, auction begins at 6:45 pm sharp. Questions or donations contact Monique@ 613-876-4930 or send an email with photo/description of item to monique.a.hartley@gmail.com.

Watch for items to be posted on www.SBPCauction.ca!

How To Donate To Seeley's Bay Pastoral Charge

If you would like to make a donation, one way you can do so is by email transfer through your bank online. Our email address is: sbpastoralcharge@gmail.com.  For total annual donations of $20 and over, a charitable tax receipt will be issued IF you include your name and address in the message area of the e-Transfer.

* If you would like your donation to go to: Olivet or Seeley’s Bay Church specifically (rather than to the Pastoral Charge), please state in the message also.
You can also mail cheques payable to Seeley’s Bay Pastoral Charge to:

1191 Cranberry Cove Lane, Seeleys Bay, ON K0H 2N0.

Thank you for any donation you make.

Other options for donations to our Pastoral Charge or individual churches are available here;


Ministerial Staff

Reverend Don Stiles
Phone: 613-387-8361
P.O. Box 163, Seeley's Bay, ON K0H 2N0
E-mail: dgstiles@hotmail.com

Jane Griggs
Phone: 613-928-2684
E-mail: hoceye@gmail.com

* Please send announcements for the order of service to Jane no later than noon on Thursday *


Danny Roantree - Seeley's Bay
Gary Bracken - Olivet


Check out our Annual Auction!

Support Seeley's Bay United Church Pastoral Charge via Automatic Monthly Withdrawal (PAR)

Watch the video of the Seeley's Bay United Church steeple being removed on Thursday December 2, 2010

Seeley's Bay Community Website

The United Church of Canada

Visit us on Facebook!!

This site last updated:  November 24, 2024